What happened to frannyzoo's post?

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Re: What happened to frannyzoo's post?

PostTue Nov 25, 2014 7:49 pm

to finish your post, Valen, might I find what I need? (cue Rolling Stones and angelic/devilish background singers)

Valen: We're on the same side here. I might differ on the need to provocate, so to speak, the "5%" to which you refer as being possible offended. In fact, I sincerely want to provoke them if it means, by any small means, sparking the 95% who currently are here (a number which I'm guessing totals about 32, max, at this point, and that's sad).

Still, we agree, I feel. 32, or whatever the number of active players, is unacceptable. The fact that there is zero to little mojo here is undeniable. What to do...what to do...

I'd say I'm the Stokely Carmichael of this situation, but that would be ludicrous, which, frankly, is one reason I want to refer to myself as the Stokely Carmichael of this situation. In other words, this place could use some silly. And absurd. And commiseration. And an admission that it's pretty pathetic. The only sad piece in that is that it could be so much more, and we all know it.

Oh well, life is full of disappointments. We'll always have Paris (ATG II or III)



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Re: What happened to frannyzoo's post?

PostTue Nov 25, 2014 7:59 pm

Are you paying those devilish background singers or making them volunteer and then clean up after us?

That one goes back to a labor day vacation I took in Branson. Got a chance to sit down and spend some time talking to some of the a woman who was a backup singer there and waited tables as a day job. Found out the backup singers for the show headliners did not get paid. They "volunteered" to sing backup and clean up after the show. Then worked part time at 2 restaurants to pay the bills. Neither would employ full time because that might mean they had to pay benefits.

All that just hoping someone would somehow notice them and they could get a start in show business.


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Re: What happened to frannyzoo's post?

PostTue Nov 25, 2014 8:04 pm

Valen: My Mom, still very much living at 70, lives in Branson, MO. In reference to your anecdote (thanks, good stuff!), as the Baptists say: What happens in Branson, stays in Branson. It is one creepy, creepy place, bless its heart.


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Re: What happened to frannyzoo's post?

PostThu Nov 27, 2014 1:32 am

A little jealous of your mom.

I only spent a few days there and I swear even though I have lived in several southern states and even a brief spell in Illinois never do I remember a place more friendly than Branson. Let me tell you about it.

From the time I hit town I could tell I was not in Kansas any more. I rolled up to a stop sign needing to get on the main street through town. Traffic was bumper to bumper. I thought no way I am ever getting in. I almost had a heart attack right then. Someone stopped right there and allowed me to pull in to traffic AHEAD of them. No way anyone down here in the Dallas metroplex is going to do that. Heck, texans will not even allow you to take an exit ramp if it means you get in front of them for 2 seconds.

Best of all that was not an isolated incident. There was only one highway snaking through town. Anywhere I wanted to go had to take that street. Not one time did it take me more than 2 seconds see someone stopping and waving me in. The waitresses took the time to talk to you as if you were someone important. You couldn't get lost in the town because soon as you appeared lost there was a half dozen people swarming in hey brother you lost? need directions? need advice on a good place to eat?

Wait, now that I think of it I made 2 trips to Branson. First was when I went to visit a friend in Eureka Springs, a close second for friendliest town in this here United States. He always left his doors unlocked in case anyone he was acquainted with needed a place to stay while in town. Never asked for advance notice. Everyone always welcome, the more the merrier. Eat what you want just clean up your mess before you leave. Went up there once unannounced. He was out of town. Sign on the door said gone to Chicago. Feel free to stay as many nights as you need.

Stood there wondering what am I going to do now. Drove 3 hours to get here and nobody I know is anywhere to be seen. Then the car pulls up. It was a husband and his wife and their son. They had dropped in for unannounced visit just like me. We talked for a few minutes and before you knew it I was making my first trip to Branson. Stayed in their house. Wife cooked pancakes from scratch, and by scratch no boxes of anything was used. She measured the ingredients out from the original sources and oh my those things were good. I am tempted to jump in the car and see if I can locate them just from thinking about it. Helped the son with some homework. Spent 3 or 4 days with them before heading back home. Yep no question friendliest people in the country. Wouldn't it be funny if that were some of your relatives.

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