BS Champions League- draft started, James Schubert is up

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby cristano11 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:42 pm

what is the point of ranking the sp without including an index? you say i spent a lot on sp, but if u index me vs everyone else, i all of a sudden look a lot smarter...
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Postby keyzick » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:42 am

This is the longest week to have to wait for the league to start! Good thing I can keep myself occupied with the '86 and '07 ('08) startups.

Anyone know when the championship was played for last year's tour? did it run this late, into the next season?
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Postby stevep107 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:14 am

[quote:f4209a2585]what is the point of ranking the sp without including an index? you say i spent a lot on sp, but if u index me vs everyone else, i all of a sudden look a lot smarter... [/quote:f4209a2585]

I have indexed the results...I just haven't posted the indexed numbers.
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Postby stevep107 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:15 am

[quote:63f8e9866f]Anyone know when the championship was played for last year's tour? did it run this late, into the next season? [/quote:63f8e9866f]

Yes, it ran late but not as late as this. I think we started in late Feb.
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Postby stevep107 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:59 am

OK guys, here is the analysis of hitters that I promised you. I've taken the injury adjusted rating for each position player and added them together to get a team score. Whenever possible, I've tried to factor in platoons when they were obvious.

Brooklyn 7.048
Best Damn 7.204
Santa Fe 7.352
déjà vu 7.505

Basking 7.791
Cristano 7.354
Domble 7.331
Almeda 7.335

Walrus 7.256
SS Minnow 7.556
Tour de f 7.270
Hawgwild 7.353

The first observation I'd make overall is that the teams are quite evenly matched.

Basking Ridge has the best group of hitters (this analysis also takes defence into account) followed by SS Minnow. There are about five teams clustered around the mean which was 7.36.

Overall, given that Cristano spent the most on SPs, he's done well to create an average offence. SS Minnow is also looking tough with average SPs but a very strong defence.

Analysis of relief pitching will follow in the next day or two.

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Postby Roscodog » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:36 am

ouch my offence stinks, hope my pitching makes up for it.
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Postby uncle ny » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:01 pm

[quote:11da2135c0="Roscodog"]ouch my offence stinks, hope my pitching makes up for it.[/quote:11da2135c0]

double ouch. my offense AND my defense stinks. i'm doomed. and i was hoping to be the first two time champion.

maybe next year. :cry:
uncle ny
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Postby FRANKZAHN » Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:09 pm

I'll trade some offense for good starting pitching
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Postby stevep107 » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:49 pm

OK, guys, it's been really quiet in here lately so here are my predictions.

I've decided not to do an analysis of relievers. Part of the reason is that I have run out of time but also because its hard to judge how many innings each RP will do and therefore its difficult to know how well each team's bullpen will perform.

I think one of the most important stats of past performance is obviously win percentage. Here are each manager's 2007 win % and all time win %:

Schubert .528 .533
Cristano .562 .556
DT .540 .534
hendrix .543 .529
Terry101 .522 .524
stevep .528 .541
Roscodog .533 .527
fjzahn .508 .511
uncleny .497 .506
azhawg .513 .512
akindian .519 .522
keyzick .517 .498

Top 3 2007: Cristano, Hendrix & DT
Top 3 all time: Cristano, stevep, & DT

The guys that scare me the most in strato are the ones who have a higher win percentage than I - guys like Cristano. Although I have to say, I can't ever remember going head to head with Cristano in any previous league. I realise that win % is highly dependant on how many teams you've played and the standard of the competition. But it is the best indicator we have.

One thing is for sure - these predictions will be wrong. Criticise me if you like or better still, make your own predictions. It will make for interesting reading for everyone.

I'll start with the east.

Basking Ridge - poor SPs, poor RPs, all star infield, excellent outfield, ordinary C, good DH. Can a team built primarily on offence win? Probably not in this league.

Cristano - superb SPs, poor RPs, v. good C, good DH, good IF, good OF. Will anyone in this division be able to beat the legendary Cristano? Probably not in my opinion.

Dumbledorf - below avg SPs, good RPs, good C, excellent IF, average OF. DT has a great win percentage in 07 and overall but I don't think his team here is going to upset Cristano.

Almeda - average SPs, above average RPs, avg C, above avg IF, avg OF. Hendrix has done very well in 07 but I think he is going to struggle to get past the others in this division which I think is the toughest of the three.

1 - Cristano
2 - Dumbledorf
3 - Almeda
4 - Basking Ridge


Brooklyn - below avg SPs, v. good RPs, poor C, awesome DH, serious power in the IF, avg OF. This team is going to hit a lot of HR but will that be enough? I don't think so.

Best Damn - excellent SPs, great closer but the rest of the bullpen is crap, avg C, good IF, great CF but the other two OFs are ordinary, DH OK. Looks like an interesting team. The bullpen will disappoint but the strong SPs will keep this team competitive.

Santa Fe - better than avg SPs, great closer, rest of bullpen is avg, avg C, good IF, poor CF but excellent LF and RF, excellent DH vs R, avg DH vs L. Terry has put together a strong team and will do well (but hopefully not too well from my perspective).

Deja Vu - v. good SPs, avg RPs, all star C, above avg IF, ordinary CF, all star LF and RF, good DHs. Well, I hope I have assembled a winning team here but I guess time will tell.

1 - Deja Vu
2 - Best Damn (tough call here)
3 - Santa Fe
4 - Brooklyn


I am the Walrus - wins the competition for the most imaginative team name but that's all. Poor SPs, avg RPs, excellent C, excellent IF, poor OF (with honourable mention for Suzuki). Overall, a poor pitching staff and a below average offence.

Hawgwild - v. good SPs, great closer, rest of bullpen is ordinary, good C, all-star IF (except 3B), all star CF, LF & RF are crap. Can a team built around Puhols and Beltran win? Probably not, but it will get close.

SS Minnow - avg SPs, ordinary RPs, poor C, all star DH, avg IF, avg OF. Hafner, Berkman and Scott are going to hit a TON of HRs. Will it be enough to make it to the playoffs in this, the weakest division? Yes.

Tour de Farce - a hint of sarcasm in this team name. good SPs, poor RPs, avg C, good IF except for SS, all star OF, below avg DH. Some quality players on this team but I don't think it will be enough to get them to the post-season.

1 - SS Minnow
2 - Hawgwild
3 - Tour de Farce
4 - Walrus

I think the wildcard might come from the East. So, I think it will be Cristano, DT, myself, and keyzick in the playoffs.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:03 am

that would be a sardonic name steve. sardonic is derisively mocking while sarcastic includes the intention to inflict pain.

nice analysis. did you take into account ballparks of just do something on the cards w/o ballparks.

my worries: do i have enought OB? will rickety old wickman save more than he blows? when will the USKL2 FA draft ever start?

will brittney get to visit kid three?
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