2 great things about the rollover fielding info

2 great things about the rollover fielding info

Postby ClowntimeIsOver » Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:48 pm

1) When searching free agents, now you can tell much more quickly which players play more than one position. For example, more than a few times I've looked for a cheap backup catcher who also plays maybe two other positions ... which involved clicking on all the names to see the cards. Now you can just move the mouse down the sorted FA page.

2) On some opposing teams, it's not possible at a glance to know who the second catcher is (sometimes, that's the starting catcher, too), or what the outfield (and their arms) will look like when there are platoons, etc. Again, you have to click on a bunch of cards. Now it's just rolling the mouse over the team page.

(By the way, the rollover function seems not to work on finished seasons when you look at the team page. However, if you click on final standings and then click on the team's name, the rollover function works.)
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